Even though people are extremely on a broken base on all voice actors/actresses in xionic madness 3, we have all acknowledged this and plan to improve when XM4 comes around.
Hell, I even plan to use a new voice for him and frequently bash myself with xeros dialogue, oh self deprecation, how I abuse thee.
Even so, when va's like hnilmik and antfish do poorly too, somethings up... oh well, the producer now knows to tell people to redo lines if needed, guess we have all learned somethin' from this little experience.
I just hope people don't fully judge my vaing based on just this and immediately conclude i am a bad va. Obviously psychopathic psudo-brits aren't my strength, but there is no harm in trying to expand your skill....or lack thereof in my case.
For now, i'll stick to the voices i'm best at, and practice my weaker voices with my fellow va's who know how to do voices that I fail at.
I really like the voice acting in XM3, I think you made Xero sound like a badass.